IME Fundamentals Videos

IME Fundamentals Videos

Are you new to medicolegal work? Do you want to enhance your IME skills, produce more effective reports, study to become a Certified Medicolegal Evaluator (CMLE), or an IAIME Fellow? If so, this video package is just what you need!

We reviewed our lectures and cherry-picked the most informative and practical ones that teach or remind you about the core principles of performing IMEs.  Discover how to perform ethical, accurate evaluations based on causation science and industry best practices. Gain confidence in your role as an evaluator. and communicate your opinions in neutral and objective language.

IME Fundamentals of medicolegal evaluations are not taught in traditional medical education. This course is tailored to help you become a better evaluator.

Starting & Operating A Medicolegal Practice


Dr. Ross will discuss how a medicolegal practice is different from a clinical practice. Some key points of this course include:

    • The objective of the practice is different: Report for forensic vs treatment for clinical
    • An examinee is different than a patient: know the rules
    • IME has to be evidence based: Daubert rule

The Medicolegal History

Gary Pushkin, MD, FIAIME, CMLE

Dr. Pushkin will discuss the medical history in an IME. Some key point he will discuss are:

    • Mechanism for injury
    • Sense of “being heard”
    • Reliability of patient report

The Medicolegal Physical Exam

Gary Pushkin, MD, FIAIME, CMLE

Dr. Pushkin will discuss the physical exam portion of an IME. Some key points of this course include:

    • Spasm vs tenderness vs spasticity
    • Symptom magnification
    • Evaluation of credibility

Using Equipment & Screening Measures


Dr. Ross will discuss how the AMA Guides set standards for IME that are different than in clinical practice. Some key points he will discuss are:

    • Different AMA Guides editions and jurisdictions
    • Objective vs subjective measures
    • Causation determination

Work Ability & Return to Work

Mark H. Hyman, MD, FACP, FIAIME

Dr. Hyman will discuss the importance of return to work and how certain factors influence return to work in workers’ compensation and personal injury. Some key points of this course include:

    • Understanding workplace influences
    • Understanding risk, capacity, and tolerance as different limiting factors
    • Premorbid conditions

Report Writing Introduction

Bhavesh Robert J. Pandya, MD, MPH, FACP, FACOEM, FIAIME, CMLE

Dr. Pandya will discuss the fundamentals of an effective report. Some key points of this course include:

    • Identifying key aspects of an IME report
    • Establishing legal concepts that are fundamental to an IME report
    • Using clear, neutral, nonbiased language

Spine Nomenclature: Practical Application

Diana Kraemer, MD, FAANS, FIAIME, CMLE

Dr. Kraemer will discuss definitions of radiological imaging findings and prevalence of these findings in the general population. Some key points of this presentation include:

    • Difference between disc protrusion, extrusion, sequestration and bulging
    • Prevalence of disc protrusion, extrusion, and bulging and other spine imaging findings in the general population
    • Lumbar and cervical radiculopathy

Causation Analysis

J. Mark Melhorn, MD

Dr. Melhorn will discuss how causation analysis is performed Some key points he will discuss are:

    • Bradford Hill criteria to evaluate causation using epidemiological studies
    • NIOSH or ACOEM steps to determine work-relatedness
    • Difference between scientific and legal causation