IAIME Reference Library
Biostatistics and Research
Epidemiology for the Uninitiated (BMJ)
Foundations of Epidemiology (Oregon State University)
User’s Guides to the Medical Literature, 3rd Edition, Gordon Guyatt, MD et al.
PDQ Statistics, 3rd Edition, Geoffrey Norman and David Streiner
Causation Analysis
ACOEM Work-Relatedness Practice Guideline
NIOSH Guide to Work-Relatedness of Disease
Advanced Workshop: Hands-on Causation Analysis
ACOEM Work-Relatedness Practice Guideline
Conducting a Winning Literature Search
Google Scholar
NIOSH Guide to Work-Relatedness of Disease
Pubmed Online Training
PubMed User Guide and FAQ
Research Gate
Virtual Independent Medical Examinations
History of Telemedicine
Categories of Telemedicine
Article from Radio News 1924 on Telemedicine
IOM (Institute of Medicine). Telemedicine: A guide to assessing telecommunications for health care. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 1996.
IOM. Crossing the quality chasm: A new health system for the 21st century. Washington, DC: National Academy Press; 2001
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK207145/ (summary of telehealth)
The Role of Telehealth in an Evolving Health Care Environment: Workshop Summary
Board on Health Care Services; Institute of Medicine Washington (DC)
National Academies Press (US); 2012 Nov 20.
Telehealth and Telemedicine
https://acpinternist.org/archives/2014/11/virtual-visit.htm (concern about telehealth)
Sample IME report subheadings:
Stanford University: Example with tips on doing a Physical Exam virtually
Why the Telemedicine Physical is Better Than You Think
Legal Perspectives on Telemedicine
The National Telehealth Policy Resource Center
Ethics and legalities in perfoming IMEs
Babitsky, S. Esq., Magravatti, J.J., Melhorn, M.J. Writing and Defending Your IME Report. The Comprehensive Guide. Seak, Inc, Falmouth, MA. 2004.
Are you liable when you do IMEs or insurance exams?
Medical Legal Fee Schedule Example -California
AMA Telehealth quick guide
AMA Telehealth Implementation Playbook -158 pages
The Promise and Peril of Virtual-Health-Care
AMA website, updated info re: telehealth
Biokin – Inertial Motion Capture Device
Sensors (Basel). 2019 Apr; 19(8): 1781. Published online 2019 Apr 13.
Assessment of Shoulder Range of Motion Using a Wireless Inertial Motion Capture Device—A Validation Study
Int J Sports Phys Ther 2018 Aug;13(4):707-714.
Reliability and Validity of the Halo Digital Goniometer for Shoulder Range of Motion in Healthy Subjects
Sarah Correll 1, Jennifer Field 2, Heather Hutchinson 3, Gabby Mickevicius 4, Amber Fitzsimmons 5, Betty Smoot 5
Sensors (Basel). 2020 Jan; 20(2): 399.
Published online 2020 Jan 10. doi: 10.3390/s20020399
Validity and Reliability of an Inertial Device for Measuring Dynamic Weight-Bearing Ankle Dorsiflexion
José M. Oliva-Lozano,1 Isabel Martín-Fuentes,1 and José M. Muyor1,2,*
Michael Rigoni,1 Stephen Gill,1,2,3 Sina Babazadeh,1 Osama Elsewaisy,1 Hugh Gillies,1 Nhan Nguyen,3 Pubudu N. Pathirana,3 and Richard Page1,2,3,*
AMA Guides, 5th Edition
AMA Guides, 6th edition
Interventional Pain Management: Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS)
- Barolat G, Oakley JC, Law JD, North RB, Ketcik B, Sharan A. Epidural spinal cord stimulation with a multiple electrode paddle lead is effective in treating intractable low back pain. Neuromodulation. 2001;4(2):59–66.
- de Vos CC, Dijkstra C, Lenders MW, Holsheimer J. Spinal cord stimulation with hybrid lead relieves pain in low back and legs. Neuromodulation. 2012;15(2):118–23.
- Tiede J, Brown L, Gekht G, Vallejo R, Yearwood T, Morgan D. Novel spinal cord stimulation parameters in patients with predominant back pain. Neuromodulation. 2013;16(4):370–5.
- Van Buyten JP, Al-Kaisy A, Smet I, Palmisani S, Smith T. High-frequency spinal cord stimulation for the treatment of chronic back pain patients: results of a prospective multicenter European clinical study. Neuromodulation. 2013;16(1):59-65.
- Al-Kaisy A, Van Buyten JP, Smet I, Palmisani S, Pang D, Smith T. Sustained effectiveness of 10 kHz high-frequency spinal cord stimulation for patients with chronic, low back pain: 24-month results of a prospective multicenter study. Pain Med. 2014;15(3):347–
- Kemler MA, de Vet HC, Barendse GA, van den Wildenberg FA, van Kleef M. Effect of spinal cord stimulation for chronic complex regional pain syndrome Type I: five-year final follow-up of patients in a randomized controlled trial. J Neurosurg. 2008;108(2):292–8
- North RB, Kidd DH, Piantadosi S. Spinal cord stimulation versus reoperation for failed back surgery syndrome: a prospective, randomized study design. Acta Neurochir Suppl (Wien). 1995;64:106–8. 50. North RB, Kidd DH, Farrokhi F, Piantadosi SA. Spinal cord stimulation versus repeated lumbosacral spine surgery for chronic pain: a randomized, controlled trial. Neurosurgery. 2005;56(1):98-106
- North RB, Kidd DH, Farrokhi F, Piantadosi SA. Spinal cord stimulation versus repeated lumbosacral spine surgery for chronic pain: a randomized, controlled trial. Neurosurgery. 2005;56(1):98-106
- Kumar K, Taylor RS, Jacques L, Eldabe S, Meglio M, Molet J et al. Spinal cord stimulation versus conventional medical management for neuropathic pain: a multicentre randomised controlled trial in patients with failed back surgery syndrome. Pain. 2007;132(1-2):179–88.
- Kumar K, Taylor RS, Jacques L, Eldabe S, Meglio M, Molet J et al. The effects of spinal cord stimulation in neuropathic pain are sustained: a 24-month follow-up of the prospective randomized controlled multicenter trial of the effectiveness of spinal cord stimulation. Neurosurgery. 2008;63(4):762–70
- Schultz DM, Webster L, Kosek P, Dar U, Tan Y, Sun M. Sensor-driven position-adaptive spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain. Pain Physician. 2012;15(1):1–12.
- Perruchoud C, Eldabe S, Batterham AM, Madzinga G, Brookes M, Durrer A et al. Analgesic efficacy of high- frequency spinal cord stimulation: a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study. Neuromodulation. 2013;16(4):363–9
- Schu S, Slotty PJ, Bara G, von Knop M, Edgar D, Vesper J. A prospective, randomised, double-blind, placebo- controlled study to examine the effectiveness of burst spinal cord stimulation patterns for the treatment of failed back surgery syndrome. Neuromodulation. 2014;17(5):443–50.
- Kapural L, Yu C, Doust MW, Gliner BE, Vallejo R, Sitzman BT et al. Novel 10-kHz High-frequency Therapy (HF10 Therapy) Is Superior to Traditional Low-frequency Spinal Cord Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Back and Leg Pain: The SENZA-RCT Randomized Controlled Trial. Anesthesiology. 2015;123(4):851–60.
- Kapural L, Yu C, Doust MW, Gliner BE, Vallejo R, Sitzman BT et al. Comparison of 10-kHz High-Frequency and Traditional Low-Frequency Spinal Cord Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Back and Leg Pain: 24-Month Results From a Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Pivotal Trial. Neurosurgery. 2016;79(5):667–77
- Deer T, Slavin KV, Amirdelfan K, North RB, Burton AW, Yearwood TL et al. Success Using Neuromodulation With BURST (SUNBURST) Study: Results From a Prospective, Randomized Controlled Trial Using a Novel Burst Waveform. Neuromodulation. 2018;21(1):56–66.
- Thomson SJ, Tavakkolizadeh M, Love‐Jones S, et al. Effects of Rate on Analgesia in Kilohertz Frequency Spinal Cord Stimulation: Results of the PROCO Randomized Controlled Trial. Neuromodulation. 2018;21(1):67-76.
- Duy PQ, Anderson WS Two Surgeries Do Not Always Make a Right: Spinal Cord Stimulation for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome. Yale J Biol Med 2018 Sep;91(3):323-331
- Kapural L, Peterson E, Provenzano DA, Staats P Clinical Evidence for Spinal Cord Stimulation for Failed Back Surgery Syndrome (FBSS): Systematic Review. Spine (Phila Pa 1976) 2017 Jul 15;42 Suppl 14:S61-S66
- Sdrulla AD, Guan Y, Raja SN Spinal Cord Stimulation: Clinical Efficacy and Potential Mechanisms. Pain Pract 2018 Nov;18(8):1048-1067
- Slanged R, et al. Diabetes Care. 2014 Nov;37(11):3016-24
- Pollard EM, Lamer TJ, Moeschler SM, Gazelka HM, Hooten WM, Bendel MA, Warner NS, Murad MH The effect of spinal cord stimulation on pain medication reduction in intractable spine and limb pain: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials and meta-analysis. J Pain Res 2019;12:1311-1324
2020 Mid-Year Meeting Pre-Conference Slides
2020 Mid-Year Meeting Pre-Conference Slides
- The MedicoLegal History and Physical Examination, Gary Pushkin
- Understanding Opioids, other Pain Medications and Pharmacology, Dr. Gary Pushkin
- Advanced Workshop Mental Health Issues for Non-Specialists, Dr. James Underhill