2023 Annual Meeting Courses
2023 Annual Meeting Courses
You can still get access to all the valuable insights shared during the live event. This includes expert presentations, panel discussions, Q&A sessions, and all the speaker slides.
IAIME designates this virtual activity for a maximum of 15.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should only claim the amount of credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in these activities.
Members/Fellows $295
International Members/Fellows $225
Non-Member $395
International Non-Member $325
Early Career $225

AMA Guides 6th Edition Digital 2023:
Introducing The Nervous System, Shoulder ROM, & Tinnitus
Fabrice Czarnecki, MD; Diana Kraemer, MD; James Underhill, PsyD
IAIME sponsored the publication of the “The Nervous System” Chapter 13 of the AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th ed, 2023. This is the first major update of the science of causation and impairment for the nervous system since 2001.
- Attendees will understand the changes in neuroscience since 2001 that have led to this update.

Bias in “Independent” Medical Evaluations
Garson Caruso, MD
This course will explore various forms of bias. From the evaluator’s own biases to biases within an evaluation. It will touch on how language, including terms like applicant or claimant, may affect the report’s objectivity. It will also explore the potential for bias when working for either the plaintiff or defense and the risk of confirmation bias. Lastly, it will cover the importance of evaluating the quality of scientific evidence to ensure accurate and unbiased reporting. Through this course, participants will gain an understanding of how to improve the accuracy and objectivity of their reports.

What Can return to Sports Teach Us About Return to Work?
Gregory Guyton MD
Dr. Guyton is a foot and ankle Orthopedic Surgeon with decades of experience returning youth and professional athletes to play. He will discuss the biological factors that affect return to sports and return to work, and the unique psychosocial factors between return to sports and return to work after an industrial injury.

Muscle Spasm: Real, Misunderstood, or Fabricated?
Charley Brooks, MD
Clinicians frequently document muscle spasm on physical examination, and it is often used as a reason to delay return to work. Dr. Brooks will address the definition, clinical qualities found on physical examination, scientific underlying of the pathophysiology of spasm, validity of the findings, treatment options, and treatment recommendations, including evaluation for risk for injury with return to work.

Pain In the Butt
Yusef Sayeed, MD
This course will discuss the anatomic and pathophysiologic causes of pain from the iliac crest to the buttocks crease (the pelvis and buttocks). His teaching will be valuable as this region of the body is difficult to diagnose and treat effectively. He will then engage in a panel that will discuss when overtreatment can lead to further disability.

Does Minor Trauma Case Serious Low Back Illness?
Diana Kraemer, MD
This lecture will discuss three major, high-quality evidence based papers on the role of trauma in causing new imaging findings, serious low back pain, chronic pain, and disability. These papers will look at the natural progression of degenerative changes over time, the role of genetics, and the role of “minor trauma” (defined within the lecture) on subsequent MRI imaging, acute or chronic pain, and chronic disabling pain.

Panel Discussion: How Much Treatment is Too Much?
Yusef Sayeed, MD; Michael Mathesie, DC; Charley Brooks, MD
How does the Doctor decide how much treatment is enough? Too much? How does the clinician direct a person from one treatment to one that may be more effective? End treatment? These Clinicians will discuss the dilemmas that can exist, both as a treating clinician, and as an IME doctor.

Obesity & Sleep in Workers’ Compensation
Mark Hyman, MD
Dr. Hyman will instruct us on how obesity and sleep disorders contribute to workplace absence and increase risk for injury, and identify treatment options to decrease these risks.

Why Patients Make Treatment Choices that are Inconsistent with Their Values
David Ring, MD
Patients and their doctors may resort to invasive procedures when no other medical options exist; “because there are no other options”, even though the chances of improvement are slim. Dr. Ring will identify risk factors for a poor outcome, and alternatives to pursuing surgical options that are inconsistent with the patient’s desire for recovery.

Predicting Resilience & Return to Work
Garson Caruso, MD
Resiliency is the ability to recover after a painful or stressful event. Why do some people recover from an injury, and others with a similar injury proceed to disability? Could recognition and early treatment improve recovery? Dr. Caruso and Dr. Kertay will discuss methods to identify risk factors for delayed recovery and possible treatment option.

Fireside Chat: Injury to the Head: Mechanisms, Treatment, & Recovery
Daniel LeGoff, PhD; Craig Smith, MD
This course will discuss traumatic brain injury; Mechanisms, Treatment and Recovery, during both their lecture and the following panel discussion. They will discuss popular treatment options and the usefulness, benefits and risks of these treatment modalities.

Panel Injury to the Head
David Ring, MD; Noah Silverberg, PhD; Craig Smith, MD; Daniel LeGoff, PhD
Patients and their doctors may resort to invasive procedures when no other medical options exist; “because there are no other options”, even though the chances of improvement are slim. Dr. Ring will identify risk factors for a poor outcome, and alternatives to pursuing surgical options that are inconsistent with the patient’s desire for recovery.

Medico-Legal Roundtable: Injury to the Head: Plaintiff & Defense Perspectives
Colleen Durkin Peterson, Esq.; Bruce Furukawa, Esq.
This course will discuss how attorneys advocate for an injured person or defend the person who may have caused the injury. They will discuss the legal requirements for expert witnesses who opine on injury and causation after an injury, and how the expert can effectively explain to the judge or jury their opinions in an injury lawsuit.

Medico-Legal Panel: Educating the Trier of Fact
Collen Durkin Peterson, Esq.; Bruce Furukawa, Esq.; Daniel LeGoff, PhD; Craig Smith, MD; Fabrice Czarnecki, MD
This presentation will focus on the proper role of expert witnesses: educating judges and jury members. The panelists will review communication techniques for a non-medical audience and pitfalls to avoid.

The Evaluators Role in the Disability Process
Bhavesh Robert J. Pandya, MD
Disability evaluations are fundamentally different from the doctor-patient relationship. Dr. Pandya will discuss these differences and how to perform the disability evaluation in a professional and ethical manner.

The Language of Reports
Charles Xeller, MD
The legal system requires specific and accurate language in reports performed for injury, impairment, and disability evaluations. Dr. Xeller will demonstrate how to correctly use this language when forming an expert opinion.

Medically Stationary, Apportionment, & Future Medical Care
Michael Weiser, JD
Impairment evaluation requires the person be medically stationary, which is also known as Maximal Medical Improvement; the point at which a condition has stabilized and is unlikely to change (improve or worsen) substantially in the next year, with or without treatment. If multiple causes of an individual’s impairment are present, the evaluator may be asked to “apportion” the degree of impairment from each cause. An individual who is medically stationary may need to continue to receive medical treatment to remain so (for example, medications). You, as the evaluator, may be asked to opinion on future medical treatment, and whether it is related, or unrelated, to the claim under evaluation.